
Tuesday 19 December 2017

Review I Innisfree Capsule Recipe pack- Rice

Hi my lovely readers. How’s your days? I hope it’s good, same goes like me. For today I’ll be review about Innisfree Sleeping pack- Rice. Oh how I really like rice as food also as skincare line. Everyone must know benefit of rice and rice water. Since from the young era of me, I know about benefit the rice water and the rice also. The main is rice source of carbohydrate and the staple food for the Asian Mainly. Like my late Grandma, she always save the rice water for the her plant. While my aunt will save/ take some of the rice water that being wash for cooked. It’s for her baby, the old generations using the rice water to feed baby and there been said that the rice water can brightened our skin. 

I know this product a while ago, but since it’s hard to get in my country so I just forget about this product. Until one day when I cross over the website, I found Hermo it’s website where they been sell a lot of the Cosmetics and Skincare where it really hard to find in my country. They sell many product from the high end to the budget one. Also the price is affordable for me. You can check the website here

Okay let move to our review now. The sleeping pack that I buy and use currently is Sleeping pack- Rice.The packaging is small and cute. At first I thought “oh its small and why I bought just two”? But the when I opened the packages it’s quite a lot and I can wear it couple time. Its so convenience for me, when I got on tight budget. For RM18.90 I got 2 of the sleeping mask, and I can wear it for 2 week.  The texture of the sleeping pack is bit grainy and it’s smell so yummy with a lil bit of sweet scent.  At first I feel like there sugar/honey or something that sticky were applied on my face. But since of the scent, I feel okay.

When I was try the sleeping pack, I got quite big acne/zits on my forehead and its really hurt. So I decided to try the Sleeping mask, and its really work for me. The morning I wake up the acne/zit I not really hurt and it’s kinda not that swollen. Also I felt my face a bit bright and smooth. It’s does bright my face and soothe my acne/zit. The moment I notice the sleeping pack is does wonder on my face, I recommend this for my cousin, she also say the same thing. Her acne/zits is slowing down and her face is brightened than before.

Here lil sneak peek of the sleeping mask.

So for the future I’ll stick to this sleeping mask as its does wonder for me. Also this is my savior if I were short of the sheet mask. 

Rating: 5/5 Stars
What to expected: its have a sweet scent and feel like we something sticky were applied on our face. But overall its really a good Sleeping pack.
Cons: It’s doesn’t come in big tube or package. It’s come in small container but it can be wear multiple time.  Also it’s really handy and easy for travel.
Do I want repurchase it again: Yes indeed, I will repurchased it again.

Till next time y’all xoxo

JagA DirI HiDuP BaIk-BAiK ^_^

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