
Sunday, 4 December 2011

Kawen oh Kawen....

Hi,Assalamualaikum wbt..
Hoope korang semua sihat hendaknya..
Hurm.. dah berapa hari kita masuk bulan Disemberkan??
Sedia maklumlah hujung-hujung tahun macam nie, ramai yang akan melangsungkan perkahwinan, yalah cuti sekolah pula.

Hurm.. tahun ni ramai kawan-kawan orang yang melangsungkan perkahwinan, pertunangan.
Bila di fikirkan balik, ada hikmah juga yea, kawan2 melangsung perkahwinan. Setidaknya kami sebagai kawan dapat juga berjumpa setelah bertahun tak bertemu..
Hehehe.. masa nilah macam cerita yang keluar. 
Boleh juga bertukar cerita selain bertukar nombor telefon.

Bagi yang bujang lak, Soalan CEPU GANGSA pasti ditanya.
Macam biasalah soalannya.
X : " Eh, lama kita tak jumpa kan? Ko bila nak kawin pulak?"
                                    Y : " Tunggulah dulu aku nak kumpul duit dulu, lagipun muda lagi."
                                    X : "Jangan lambat-lambat nanti takot dikebas orang lak."
                                    Y : "Biarlah dulu kalau ada jodoh tak kemana. Betul tak ?"

Haa, kalau bukan kawan-kawan yang tanya soalan camtuh, mesti jiran tetangga yang akan tanya.
Adeh... bagilah saya msa dulu.. (kalau boleh cakap macam tuh) >_<
Selalunya akan cakap InsyaALLAH ada jodoh tak kemana.. ^_^
kat bawah ni pic kawan2 orang yang kawin dalam tahun nie.. 

Wedding Farah & Zaki. me the bridemaid.. ^_^
My High school friend since form1- form5
Reception day 23/10/2011

wedding Fyda & Daus.
My middle school friend
Reception day 27/11/2011

 wedding Maziah & Firdaus
Kawan sekolah rendah, 

Wedding suhaimi & keyna
reception day 08/10/2011

ni pulak pic engagemant Zahira &Adam
both of them my high school mate..

 engagement Ayu & aud..
Ayu was my middle school mates in pahang. 
when both of our dad work as Soldier..

engagement alina.
alina was my classmates in college..

ollrite people got to go..
and for those people in the picture, may ALLAH BLESSED  and may have a long live, fortune and happily ever after..
Daag..Assalamualaikum WBT..
^_^... <3

JagA DirI HiDuP BaIk-BAiK ^_^

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Sad love story épisode 1 part 1/8

JagA DirI HiDuP BaIk-BAiK ^_^

Friday, 2 December 2011

NotHing SpEciAl... JuSt Me..

Hi, Hello, Annyonghaseyo,Konichiwa, Assalamualaikum wbt..
How do you do my dear friend??
I hope u guys have a wonderfull day and week..
Just fine, with a liltle cough, flu..
HuhUhu.. this week everyday is raining.. 
Heard and look in News there where flood everywhere.. 
Making me nervous when it's raining.

Hurm.. the end of year is full with raining, gloomy day..^^
but there is something that i want to share with you guys!!
It's DURIAN seasons!!
Yeay!! my Favourite fruit it coming !!!
kekekekeke \(^0^)/
eventhough i can eat DURIAN so much, BECAUSE it will make u hot. 
but i really like DURIANS!!!


Recently i learn cooking with my mum..
not said that im doesn't know how to cook at all, but i learn to improved my cooking experienced..

My favourite, although it spicy but it's make me DROOLING..
hehehehe.. ^^

 Last from me.. <3, <3
Have a nice day and weekend.
stay out from any dangerous, because the weather is not so good recently.
May Allah blessed all of us..
Assalamualaikum wbt.. ^^

JagA DirI HiDuP BaIk-BAiK ^_^