
Monday, 8 July 2013

The Story Of Kelsey Shelton Briggs

Assalamualaikum wbt  and hello to all reader's.
How yours day? 
Hope always be blessed by ALLAH.
Ramadhan Al- Mubarak is just in two day. 
So Are you ready guys?

Okaylah mesti all readers tertanya- tanya kenapa dengan Entri AK pada kali ini kan??
Kenapa AK buat Entri pasal  KELSEY SHELTON- BRIGGS??
Apa kena mengena KELSEY SHELTON- BRIGGS dengan AK??
KELSEY SHELTON- BRIGGS dengan AK takder kena mengena pon. 
Cume ikatan kemanusiaan jea.
You guys kenalha baca Entri ni sampai habis and will know about Her and kenapa AK Story Mory bout her.
Are you ready guys???

Was born on 28th December 2002 in Oklahoma.
Her Mother is Raye Dawn Smith.
Her Farther is Lance Briggs.
Kelsey were born after her  mommy And daddy divorced.

Kelsey with her daddy.

Kelsey lived with mommy, she loved to spending time with daddy.

First two years, Kelsey was Healthy, Energetic and Happy little girl.

Such A cute lil girl.

Beginning 2005, KELSEY  mommy, Raye Dawn Smith begin dating man named Michael Lee Porter.
Around this time first sing of abuse toward KELSEY were Noticed.

Mid January 2005, KELSEY suffured a broken collarbone & bruises while in the care of her mommy.

24th JAnuary ,2005 KELSEY was moved to her paternal Grandmother Kathie Briggs

April 2005  KELSEY was still in her grandmother care but, visited her Mommy regularly.

18th April 2005, KELSEY mommy married her boyfriend Michael Lee Porter.

KELSEY always brave, she's Daddy Little Soldier.

Daddy little Soldier..

End of April 2005, KELSEY broke both of her legs while in the care of her mommy.

Poor lil girl, 

May 3rd 2005, KELSEY was placed in state Department Of Human Service Custody.

May  4th 2005, KELSEY was moved to let her Maternal Grandmother Gayla Smith

June 15 2005, Judge Craig Key returned KELSEY back to her mommy after STATING KELSEY ABUSER WAS UNKNOWN.

August 27th 2005, Kathie Briggs saw her granddaugther KELSEY one last time.

The last time i saw her, just the way she looked, the way she acted, she looked like she was dying - Kathie Briggs

October 11 2005, KELSEY stepfather Michael Lee Porter apparently hit or kicked KELSEY so hard in the stomach .
It killed her

KELSEY died just days before her daddy come from the war.
Instead of a happy homecoming.
He Had buried his little girl

 KELSEY had a purposeKELSEY SHELTON BRIGGS was put here to make a different. To make sure other children are protected.
KELSEY stepdad Michael Lee Porter currently serving 30years in prison, he has no posibility of parle for 25.5years.

KELSEY mommy was sentenced 27years old in prison for ENABLING CHILD ABUSED.

The state of Oklahoma stated  28th April  KELSEY SHELTON BRIGGS DAY.

KELSEY SHELTON BRIGGS went to heaven on Oct 11 2005.
Rest in peace lil girl.

So guys, da taw pasal KELSEY ni?
yup lil girl ni kene dera. So AK Hope no more Abused case. 
First masa AK bace pasal ni, AK cry. T_T. sedih sangat .

okaylah guys, AK got to go.
Assalamualaikum wbt.

JagA DirI HiDuP BaIk-BAiK ^_^

Monday, 1 July 2013

Thank You for raised me up + Salam Ramadhan Al Mubarak

Hi and Assalamualaikum wbt to all sweet readers.. 
Hopely you guys always in a good health..
Hurm, Ramadhan in the corner. How you guys preparation? Are you guys ready?
AK? Always ready and excited to welcoming Ramadhan. Want to know why?? Because of Ramadhan Al Mubarak, AK can lost weight, and also do Tarawikh prayer.

Entri kali nie AK saja ja update use English language. Kerana AK nak mengupgradekan Bahasa English AK. 
Tajuk entri pada kali ini juga AK guna Bahasa English. Bukan apa AK nak berterima kasih kepada parent Ak yang selama ini bersusah payah dalam membesarkan AK. Walaupun kami hidup dalam serba kekurangan, tapi AK berterima kasih kerana atas jasa mereka AK dapat berdiri atas kaki AK. Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat ilahi.

parent love is eternity. no will change my love for them. eventhough AK have a lots of Flaws they always accept me no matter what happens.
 AK love them so much..

Ingat lagi semasa kita masih kecil, ibu bapa akan cube tunaikan segala keinginan kita. walaupun terpaksa bersusah payah, tapi untuk anak tersayang, mereka cuba kuatkan diri mereka.
Tapi apa yang AK lihat sekarang anak2 yang masih kecil sudah berani melawan dan juga mengata ibu bapa mereka sendiri.  Lupakah mereka dengan segala apa yang ibu bapa mereka telah lakukan kepada mereka?
Bagi AK, buruk manapun perangai ibu bapa kite, kita sebagai anak kena hormat mereka. kerana tanpa meraka kita tidak akan lahir di dunia ini.
AK sedih bila tengok keadaan macam ini. Umpamanya Ibu bapa seperti kawan-kawan mereka.  Dimana mereka dengan sesuka hati memperlekehkan ibu- bapa sendiri.
Semoga hati mereka di bukakan oleh yang ESA.

yup correct.. Parent love is endless.

Ramadhan Al Mubarak around the corner. Are you ready guys?
Well AK is always ready.. kekekeke
AK proud to be a muslim..

 Salam Ramadhan al mubarak Semua. semoga segala urusan kita dipermudahkan oleh yang Esa.

Ak nak out dulu.
Assalamualaikum semua.
Till we meet again  

JagA DirI HiDuP BaIk-BAiK ^_^