
Monday, 18 June 2012

Just be like the old u lah....^_^

Hi,Assalamualaikum wbt..
Morning All beloved reader(s).
Today just like usual day AK at my aunt place.
Just babysitt her lil daughter Ireen.
The another one is in school.
Her name is Nyleea.

OKay today Ak nak story -mory about this one person.
hurm AK just named her as mis NONO..
Bukanlha AK nak cite buruk or pape tentang dia.
Tapi right now da nampak sangat dia nie laen sangat. Tak taw lha kenapa. Even dengan mak dia pon dia leh tingggi suara.
Ak bukan ape, AK sangat kenal dia ni. i meant really close.
So AK xnak  lha dia semakin jauh.

Since dia dok jauh dengan family dia, dia semakin jauh lha.
bila ayah dia sakit, dia balik just for doing her thing.
IDK what her doing actually.
Yes i know, im not the right person to jugde her.
 but what i see, she more different than her old self.
E.g she always bubly in her old self.
but now she being outspoken.
 I know that maybe she want to people know her.
but i thing that not right.
i know im not that perfect.but this is reality.
she prefer to hang out with her friend and click, rather than her own family.
or this is the way to change to her new self.

She also different in the way she look.
i meant her apperence.
before this she look so nice, now more up to date and trendy.
yes i know there nothing if we want to look up to date and terndy, but we must look ourself lah.
If kita mampu xpalah.
just be yourself.
no need to change to make our friend look at us.
if we satisfied with what we got today, it's okay.
ALLAH know what best for her..
isn't it?

AK favourite flower..
bila lha Ak dapat pergi tengok tulip farm yea??
waiting for the one to take me there.. 
verangan xsudah lah AK nie..

OKaylha yea..
Ireen pon da minta susu..
AK nak mandikan dia,bagi susu n let her play n watch disney junior.
her favourite channel..
Till we meet again..
Assalamualaikum wbt.

JagA DirI HiDuP BaIk-BAiK ^_^

Nothing Special right now..

Howdy and Assalamualaikum wbt all reader(s)
Hopely u guys hava a Wonderfull day today..
AK also fine..
Now AK at my aunt place..
sambil2 jalan-jalan AK ambil kesempatan tok mencari kerja lha..
Bukan per AK nk cari kerja  n kumpul duit sikit untuk AK further study..

Nothing special pon..
juz hari-hari keluar and search kot2 ada vacancy..
nak cakap AK nie memilih sangat pon tak jugak kot.
cuz AK taw sekarang payah nk cari kerja, so AK rembat jea lha mana ada.
Janji duit raya nanty ada..
Keji betul pemikiran AK nie kan..
 Hurm sepanjang duk dekat rumah Aunty AK nie, okaylha,.
AK belajar berdikari lha.
MAna taw kot 2 dapat kerja nanty, xlha nyusahkan Aunty AK yea x?
2 yang AK nak belajar naek bus balik.
P/s: bukan AK xpandai naek bus, tapi AK need Space 2 learn and ADAPT how to manage and how AK nak balik kerja tanpa menyusahkan  Aunty AK.
MAklumlha, Aunty AK pon kerja juga.. So AK kena paham condition dia jugak kan?

Hurm, bila da kerja nanty kenallha berjimat cermat.
bukan ape, AK ni 'agak' boros ckit.
So back to bawak bekal ke tempat kerja lha.
dulu masa AK kerja tempat lama, AK pon bawak bekal.
Alhamdulillah AK dapt manage Ak punya perbelanjaan AK.

OKaylha, malam pon da makin lewat.
Esok AK kena baby anak Aunty AK si Nur Athaleea Qhairina @ angah.
so nak tidur lha..
SElamat malam semua..
Assalamualaikum wbt..
ANnyeong ...

JagA DirI HiDuP BaIk-BAiK ^_^

Monday, 11 June 2012

It's time to...???

Howdy & Hello guys.
Hopely will be good and blessed by HIM
AK? I'm also fine, and still got chance breath another day.
Alhamdulillah.. AK still be brave and strong enough to live my life.

 This week will be last week for AK stayin' at home lovely home..
In the middle of week AK will go to my aunt place..
FOr what?? Of couse for working..
Yeah!!! it's so long i'm as a part timer in my hometown.
Now it's the right time AK go to city and working.

Bukan apa, it's should last year AK working.
BUt since my mamak got her operation,so AK need to look after my sibling.
It was quite big operation.
The doc say if my mom don't do the operation, mama akan dapat BONE CANCER!!!!
That why AK stay at Kg and do part time work.

Yea..AK taw, stay t KG ni macam2 orang akan bercakap.
MAna taknya, AK ni ada DIPLOMA, tapi kenapa duduk and kerja kat kG?
Dorang xtaw apa yang kita rasa and alami..
IKot hati mau ja AK cabut tapi kenangkan My mom so Ak sabarkan diri jea..
Now AK rasa sekarang ialah masa yang terbaik untuk AK start balik apa yang AK lepaskan dulu.
Iyea sumtime kite kene lepaskan sesuatu dan kita akan dapat sesuatu yang lagi baik dari apa yang lepas.
Hopely there a chance for AK to regain myself.
And kalo ada rezky I'ALLAH AK akan further study balik.
cuz AK ingat Pesan mom pada AK, 
"belajarlah selagi mampu,kerana xdak orang yang akan tolong kita melainkan kita yang tolong dan merubah nasib dan peluang hidup kita"
Pray for me kayh..

okayh laa.. AK got to go lha..
Nk pergi aerobik ..ngeeee
Assalamualaikum wbt..

JagA DirI HiDuP BaIk-BAiK ^_^

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Wedding Zilah & Hafiz

Howdy, And Assalamualaikum wbt Semua..
semua sihat kah?
harapnya sihatlha yea..
Maaf lha agak lama tak menghupdatekan blog nie..
Sejak dua menjak banyak betol kenduri kawan yng sebaya berkahwen..
Wah.. terbakar kot..
 Last weekend AK ad pergi to my clasmates wedding.
Zila & Hafiz.
What a beautiful bride/groom.
May ALLAH blessed the bride/groom..

Meh layan Pic Org kawen meyh..

Zila & hafiz
Wedding belah perempuan.

semoga berkekalan ke akhir hayat.. <3
zilah nie kawan AK since form 1 kalo x silap AK lah..
Lama dah kawan nan dia..

ni pula AK & Zilah..
Bila lah masa AK tiba yea.???

ni pula AK with my School mates..
Siti Mariam nama dia.
Kawan since form 1,cuz kami sekelas..
Masing-masing suda punya kerjaya.
nilah 1st time kami jumpe since last school session in 2004..

teringin kot.. 
2 yng duduk kt kerusi tue..

to pengantin,hrap kalian sentiasa mendapat rahmatnya
dan dikurniakan zuriat yang soleh/hah.
AK sentiasa doakan kebahagiaan  kalian berdua.
OKaylah AK undur diri dulu.
Assalamualaikum wbt.

JagA DirI HiDuP BaIk-BAiK ^_^